General information
Přírodní škola is an eight-year gymnasium. Legally spoken, it is a type of civic association. The study expenses are partially covered by legal guardians of the students. The studies are full-time. Students enter first grade (called prima) after finishing the fifth grade of elementary school and conclude their studies by graduation. Due to the low number of students in the school (maximum capacity is 70 students) we do not open the first grade every year. The studies are double-staged. The school’s educational goals and methods of work are specified by the School educational plan (Školními vzdělávacími plány).
Each school day begins at 7:50 by a 15 minute gathering of all students and teachers. Apart from its social function, it also serves as an information forum. Every Wednesday is a project day. We begin by a swimming lesson taken by all grades. After that we work on the projects, either each grade separately or the whole school together. An essential part of the studies are several days long excursions (roughly 5 times a year), usually with project based teaching. Emphasis is put on shared experience, work in mixed-age groups and getting to know various regions of the Czech Republic.
One of the basic elements of the school system is integrating the students in the planning, organization and evaluation of the life of the school. The student council functions on a regular basis. The students web pages are to be found at www.prirodniskola.czweb.org.
Studying our school is first of all time-consuming; many activities take place during the students’ leisure time. Our alumni study at various faculties (not only science). Přírodní škola is an eight-year gymnasium.
Both students and teachers are to follow the school regulations while at school.